John Cage: Imaginary Landscape No. 4 for 12 radios

Performed November 20th, 2011. Collegium students from the Victoria Conservatory of Music.

Radios: Brenna Hartman, Marvin Ren, Jacob van der Sloot,  Nathan Bomans, Stephanie Galipeau, Chloe Kersen, Pearse Wolfe Liblong, Brian Fremlin, Bronwyn LeBlanc, Anne van der Sloot, Kelsey Dupuis, Amita Symons-Yu, Rae Gallimore, Anne Mauz, Caleb Guenette, Ian Howland, Haekyo Lee, Aline Dumalski, Kate Thomas, Emily Groseth, Elise Cassidy, Piersson Richards, Steven Jeon, Ryan Howland

w/ Bradford Werner
